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DaJia Byess

Interview Tips- How to Land the Job

Interviews can be exciting yet nerve-wracking at the same time, especially if you're new to the interview experience. However, we're here with some tips that are sure to help you land the job!

Research the Company

Employers are always impressed when you come into the interview with previous knowledge about the company. One of the most asked questions during the initial stages of any interview is, "So what do you know about our company?" The reason this question comes up is because they want to hire someone who takes initiative. More importantly, their goal is to hire the most qualified candidate who can naturally fit in with the company's mission and values. If you have no response, this may place you at the bottom of the list.

Take at least five to ten minutes to look over the company website and/or social media pages. Pay close attention to how the company began, its mission/vision and values, and the major function or product of the company. The mindset is typically, "If you want to work for our company, the least you could do is look us up." Although we're confident the interviewer won't base your entire interview on the answer to this question, it certainly doesn't help to start the interview off rocky.

Dress for the Job You Want

Regardless of what job you're interviewing for, whether it be an executive role or a window position at a fast-food restaurant, make sure you dress nicely and appropriately on the day of the interview. Dressing in business professional or business casual attire (depending on the culture of the company), lets the interviewer know that you're serious and have taken this opportunity to portray that you are the best candidate for the job.

The graphic above has good examples to follow for interview-acceptable outfits. "Business professional" is typically a suit and tie, pantsuit, slacks, dresses, and blouses. In comparison, "business casual" is still business, except a tad bit more relaxed (i.e. a collared shirt and a nice pair of pants). Refrain from wearing anything with holes or too short in length! Always go with the culture of the company and whenever in doubt, know that "business professional" is the way to go!

Come Prepared

Never show up to an interview without a pen. You may or may not have to do any writing during the interview; however, if you do, having your own pen is a small but mighty detail that signifies to the employer that you are a person who thinks ahead and likes to be prepared.

In addition, bringing a copy of your resume couldn't hurt either. Although they've most likely looked it over themselves and perhaps even printed out a copy, you should have one on hand in case they need to reference something, or better yet, you can use it to your advantage to highlight some of your better qualities and attributes.

Let Your Personality Shine

You need to portray professionalism throughout the entirety of the interview, for sure. However, try not to be so uptight that your personality cannot be seen. Employers aren't just looking for someone to "get the job done." Your personality and values must align with those of the company, in addition to what skill set you'll bring.

Find spaces between discussions to smile and show them how pleasant you are to be around. This translates to how well you work with others, and any intuitive person interviewing you should be able to pick up on your natural leadership or any other soft skills that can help you score the job.

Your personality may be what stands between you and the next qualified candidate!

Relax, take a deep breath, and prepare where you can. Your resume speaks for itself, so the rest is up to you. You got this!

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